Saturday, March 2, 2013

There are over 25,000 known uses for hemp!!!!

Have any of you heard that Fall Out Boy song "My songs know what you did in the dark (light em up)" amazing song. It should be us mmj advocates theme song. Like have a montage of posters in a youtube video, I don't know. LOL

I also want to apologize to my readers and fellow advocates for the entries being so sporadic, my access to the Internet is few and far between these days. The salary of a work from home operator sucks. I am doing the best I can, my recent hire won't start for a while. Doing my best to hold on as long as I can. When I think about this, I also fear the nuisance of a drug test if there is one. I refuse to go back to be dependant on pain medication for my fibromyalgia and all the other crap that I use MMJ for. I am just at the point where I am so happy self medicating with MJ and my other natural remedies I do not want to backwards. I don't need my Xanax anymore, my anxiety are sleeping problems are being to even out. I haven't had any serious sickness this year, no strep, no flu, no nothing other than allergies. I do continue to take my A.D.D medication, I tried to replace it with MMJ but I still felt like I needed it. Having this alternative is great also seeing as I don't have any health insurance. Money is very scarce at the moment and I have to pinch pennies everywhere I can. Although MJ isn't cheap, its cheaper than paying for a doctor's visit and then pay for the medicine they prescribe. A few tokes and I feel normal, I go about my everyday life. Seriously, I'm typing this blog now :-)

PLUS, here is link for Canniboid Doctors, there is even a place where you can send an email to ask these doctors questions.

As a continuation to bring light of Hemp vs. Marijuana I was reading an amazing article online from a contributor like myself. I came across a website that looked as if there articles were written by some amazing contributors who did their homework about the subject. Normal people just like you and me, educating one another. Lots of valuable information must see:

This article caught my eyes and upon reading, it was written with such advancing notions on the subject of oil and hemp. Extremely good read:

With this shameful budget cut that just took place, one would think the elected officials WE voters gave a job to would try and do anything they can to find a method of filling the holes with something. Here's a thought, how about we start with Hemp that can create hundreds of jobs? Jobs in all fields such as farming, manufacturing,textiles (hemp makes rope and clothing), and medical.

This web page answers all of these questions but I will give you a short breakdown.

Hemp farming has been discussed on both sides as being a rather easy plant to grow rather being mostly resistant to harsh elements and the use of pesticides being less than cotton. In other words where a small acreage of cotton to grow would cost $200-$300 per plant, the cost of hemp is half that from less than $100-$150 per plant. Upon research, I found that there is hardly a pest or animal that is not attracted to it. I have always believed that animals have a keen sense to know what is good for them and not. (Well, sometimes, my Dog ate chocolate off the floor and got really sick. Still wants it as well. LOL Maybe not all the time. ) I do believe I just pointed out another job that would be created, industrial farming pest control.A single farmer has the potential to earn $3,800 per acre of industrial hemp. With plants maturing in 100 days here is the formula:

3,800 X 10 acres=38,000
38,000 X 2 Crops per year=117,000

Manufacturing & Textiles:
Something that is extremely said to me see riding through my town and looking around to see all these factories and mills closed that used to yield everyone the opportunity to work. The way it used to be in my state, if you couldn't do anything else for work. There was always the opportunity of going into manual labor in the form of going into a mill. Mainly it was hosiery mills (socks EVERYWHERE in Burlington), the industry that helped my family thrive when I was young. I always remember going to see my Mom at the knitting mill she worked at and Dad inside a Machine Shop. We weren't rich, but I always had everything I needed, not necessarily everything I wanted. With the growth of this industry in the US, there will be a need for workers to make this hemp into something. Hemp makes A LOT of things but here is just a few:

Bio Diesel Fuel
Animal Bedding
Fiber board
Thermal Insulation
Interior Thermal Insulation Blocks
Acoustic Ceiling Insulation
Concrete Blocks
Interior of a car doors
Composite Sink Basins

There is a building here in Burlington, NC that I would love to buy after hemp legalization. Its the old Annedeen/Gold Toe building on Webb Ave that would be a perfect manufacturing facility for hemp products. I would love to launch a line of hemp camping equipment. I would love to create the jobs for my city as well. I love my hometown :-) Being that Hemp is much more cost effective to grow, mass producers invested in the hemp industry can generate large profits trickling down to benefit the workers financially. A hemp manufacturing plant could draw in revenue of
$6.6 million or more. If each state had just 1 hemp manufacturing plant that is 330,000,000,000 and a minimum of 30% will be monies going to taxes. Wouldn't that be a huge plug in our budget deficiet? I used a lot of information from the article below which was written in 1997 by Valerie L Vantreese. Imagine what those numbers have increased to these days.

This one is just too easy but making this a short paragraph is extremely hard.
This article has a picture of an old school bottle of Cannabis Oil and some useful information.

Two things I really wish people would read:

Talks about natural medicine:

I am not going to go into the medical aspects as much, I have something cool planned for April dealing with that.

Thoughts? Anyone?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Agree to Disagree

Took a few sick days, now I am back at it. I missed you blog, got a lot to say today.

I first want to say that I am so proud of the supporters from last Wednesday that showed so much support from the backlash after the legislative meeting. We were treated extremely cruel but its not secret now. I have found dozens of blogs, tweets, etc... full of out rage at the way this bill was treated. I have few moments that I put my faith in people, this would be one of them. I am so proud of everyone finding their inner advocate.

 I want to share this twitter profile which is loaded with information about hemp, I am have seen tweets about many uses of the plant. If you don't follow it, as a support you should.

My life has been touched by so many that the users of medical marijuana the stories are endless. A perspective of this wonderful plant is the impact that hemp can make on our dying economy. Farmers going back to work and how much cheaper mass producing hemp for many products. I was reading a particular article of interest about hemp and fuel. Everyone wants to save a dollar at the gas pump or natural gas bill. According to this article, hemp could be our soultion. Educate yourself, please read.

In the 1930's Hemp got caught up in a war aganist the cotton industry which birthed the Controlled Substance Act and a thorn in all of our sides. You can learn about that here:

This is a black and white information bit made during WW 2, loaded with information. All good advocates should watch this.

 Let me begin by making something very clear, hemp is not marijuana. "Of course, few sensible growers of marijuana would raise their plants in a hemp field. The two varieties would cross-pollinate, severely lowering the pot's THC content and rendering it all but useless medicinally or as a recreational drug." Quote taken from this article:

Research the uses of this fine morning I have even learned a few facts myself. Not only does this amazing multi use plant makes the obvious of clothing, rope, lotions and oils; there has been a
Henry Ford's first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself was constructed from hemp. On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, 'grown from the soil,' had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel; Popular Mechanics, 1941.

I will call this part 1, I am starting to get very sleepy and need a nap. I am going to read more about hemp and see where I want to go with it this week.

Friday, February 22, 2013

" This is go grossly far from democracy"

Not only did my modem go kaput, I also had to really take some time to reflect on my experience at the Legislative Building on Wednesday 2/20/2013.

My roommate and I really discussed what occurred all the way from Raleigh to home, and I also later text someone that I met at the gathering to discuss how this made me feel. She wished to remain unnamed so her name is going to be Moonsauce.

Wednesday 2/20/2013 1330

I waited outside peaking in to see what was going on. As it turns out I got there just in time to watch the testimonies and the pleading from individuals for consideration.

When the door opened, a sheriff went into the room to control the crowd. I fought my way inside and could already feel it without knowing a single thing. I saw glum faces of supporters, tears of patients, and felt negativity looming in the air. As I fought my way through the crowd, I could hear multiple representatives taunting us supporters. We were called "Tits and Tokers" amongst people laughing and maliciously grinning. I don't even know why I asked VP of NORML what happened, I already knew. I felt like crying. It honestly felt like I was in an episode of the Twilight Zone for a minute. No kidding, the moments were so intense it felt like everything was in slow motion. The WRAL camera swayed from side to side filming voices of protest, people broken down in tears, people with the faces in their hands. That feeling I felt looking around this scene is one I will not soon forget. Once everything spend back, I walked around did the only thing I knew to do, hug people and remind them that this is far from over.

My eyes/ ears on the outside reported that it was a mixed debate between the committee members that were in the room. A man joking about security coming saying with laughter: " What happened did she spark up her joint?" People calling us names, and one representative saying" " Why don't they stop worrying about pot and go home and take their medicine?" ( This is our medicine you moron! ugh I wish I knew who that was, pity I can't be in two places at once.) Groups of people laughing and talking not realizing what they had done. Depriving patients of their medicine, their humility, and freedom. Allowing drug dealers to continue to earn tax free money and mark up the price 3 and 4 times. They didn't realize, they tried to take away our peace.

However the support inside the committee was heard, two gentleman stood and discussed the differences in Marijuana and Oxycontin. My source heard him say; "you put the two beside each other" and Marijuana is the obvious choice from the lack of side effects. Facts about that below:

My Text Convo with Moonsauce 2/20/2013 2120 :

ME: Hi Moonsauce, this is (me) we met today at the Legislative building
Moonsauce:Hi just typing on your FB page (nc norml) and in nccpn chat
Moonsauce: So deflated. Ugh!
ME: You know that's kind of why I text you, I sat down to write my blog and for the first time in longer than I can remember I'm having a hard time the awful feelings I had (today), I am dumbfounded.
Moonsauce: Its such a slap in the face. Have you heard the reasons for the speedy hearing??
ME: Well I read one of the reps said we "harassed" them with phone calls and they wanted to throw it out and move on (This was Rep. Paul "Skip" Stam, R-Wake)

Here is the article:

Moonsauce: Yeah, I'm livid hearing that the VOTERS calling/writing voicing support is harassment (only because they oppose it)

This can be read here

ME: I am beyond pissed trust me I got a heavy editorial planned for this....for the first time in forever, I am doubting my words. Like I can't paint the picture of how hurt and angry everyone was.
Moonsauce: I admire bloggers for being so good with words. Take the night to rest your brain. (I definitely took her advice) I am happy to help in any way. I was a crying mess, lol
ME:That's why I felt I needed to hug you lol yeah....
Moonsauce:I needed it. More than you know. I sometimes feel very alone here, knowing only one family, lol. I had a hopefully heart that it would pass and I'd get a small bit of my life back and get out and meet people finally. Then they stomped on my dreams of a better quality of life. Pretty douchetastic (MY NEW FAVORITE WORD!!!!! )
ME: I may write our text exchange in my blog lol its helping, I have Crohn's Disease and Fibromyalgia with restless leg, its my only escape
Moonsauce: I have Inter coastal Neuralgia, Fibromyalgia, (restless body-doc actually said lots of fibro patients describe it like that, I'm not the only one crazy!) Chronic headaches,chronic fatigue, insomnia, tmj(Temporomandibular Disorders)

All of Moonsauce's troubles can be helped with marijuana, the research is here:

The conversations continues with Moonsauce and I talking about car pooling next time we go to Raleigh, American Idol, and asking me not to use her name in the blog. I understand too. With the stigma marijuana has, she wouldn't want to put her family in harm's way.

Before publishing today (2/22) I spoke with The North Carolina Cannabis Patients Network President,  Perry Parks, CSP CW 4, US Army Retired

His perspective of the day's events easily matched mine. When the floor opened up, he felt the decision had been prearranged due to the obvious neglect of the committee. He informed me that he learned that this guy: Representative Paul Stam (Rep) instructed the committee prior to the meeting to vote against it. "This so grossly far from democracy" he said in response. He also shared a story Stam being asked to meet with an 80 year old disabled veteran, to show him how much the medical cannabis was helping. Stam only said that he did not want to be bothered with it. How is this part of politics? How is this being a voice that people deserve?

He spoke with me in length and gave me more information than I knew what to do with. He told me that there were three speakers including himself. The Veterans Affairs (VA) spoke at length about how the laws are not protecting veterans who intake cannabis for therapeutic reasons, The National Cancer Society spoke about the anti-tremor qualities. Articles for those are here:
I enjoyed my short phone call with Parks and hope I get to speak with him again soon. I will also being doing research on some of the persons of interest we spoke about.

I hope this painted enough of a picture of the things I saw and the way I felt that horrible in Raleigh. The only thing I gained was a fuel to speak out more and amp up my advocacy in any way possible.

If those committee members thought they could get rid of us that easily, they were sorely mistaken. There is nothing they can say that will hurt us, no matter how degrading it may be. We will continue to "harass" them until we get a "Yes" from each and every one of them. How is the voice from the voters who elected you harassment? Was it harassment that we had to listen to your campaign ads for months and months? I would think so, it was lies politicians fabricated to get there way. To gain your trust and then betray it. Without the "harassing constituents" you would not be in the position you are in. The position with the responsibility to listen to the opposition and make an informed decision about each and every issue that effects its people. You may have a victory in this battle, but the war is far from over.

Myself, Moonsauce, Kathryn Lyle ( 17 year survivor of brain tumor with Cannabis treatments), and myself will continue to push for reform along with thousands upon thousands of supporters that reach to all corners of the earth. Marijuana will be legal on every aspect of the word one day, we will not be stopped, we will not be silenced. We will educate generation after generation about marijuana until we are free to have our medicine the way we should.

I hope everyone caught my article in the Burlington Times News

Trust me there will be more to follow in other newspapers......

We are advancing!

(2/22)This is from two days ago before my modem committed suicide. I was so full of hope when I wrote this......

(2/20)The all important news is that NC House Bill 84 is going into consideration tomorrow:


You are hereby notified that the House Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House will meet as follows:

DAY & DATE: Wednesday, February 20, 2013
TIME: 1:00 PM

The following bills will be considered:


HB 34
Clarify Indecent Exposure Law.
Representative R. Brown
Representative Moffitt

HB 84
Enact Medical Cannabis Act.
Representative Alexander
Representative Harrison


Representative Tim Moore, Chair

I immediately got on the phone and called his office, his aid Max was happy to hear my opinion and passed on the support for the bill. Our phone calls, stories, emails, its all paid off. I don't even think I am going to be able to sleep tonight I am so excited about this news. I am sure he has a voice mail, so even after the office is closed. Leave a voice mail for him to hear in the morning or an email for him to see. We have to show our overwhelming support for this. This is Tim Moore's contact information:
" The sick are already classified as the sick; do not continue to punish them by classifying them as criminals as well " -Stacey Jefferson
Side note, I just got hired at KGB!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOO
Have to say I am very excited to pull down the phone actress gig to a part time thing, I think it was starting to get to me. haha
So far I have contacted all the representatives from Guilford and Alamance
Looks like its going to be a long night of leaving voice mails for representative for this girl, don't let me do it alone peoples! MAKE THOSE PHONE CALLS!!!!!! SEND THOSE EMAILS!!!! 
We can do this!
I also emailed the Burlington Times News and asked for my editorial to be published in tomorrow's edition, he said it shouldn't be a problem. Super stoked about my first publication on this issue besides my lovely blog. Volunteering is an amazing experience, I recommend it for everyone.
Mom, this one is for you :-)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Insert catchy title here

It seems I am getting a some views, which  is great My hope is to gain as many people as I possibly can to read this to know my story and to spread the message of how others can advocate for anything.

It early Monday morning, like it 3AM, I am getting my coffee started and logging in to work while I do my blogging and research. I think I am just going to leave it open while I am working, that way when I get a thought. I can just jot it down.

If your wondering what I do for work that a peak time to work is now? Well, I am a phone actress aka I am a phone sex operator. Its not a bag gig to work from home, figured out really fast it isn't for me for several reason. I miss interaction with other people, and the men that call this line can be extremely disgusting.

Anyways, I am so bad about going off on tangents

I was reading through the many sources of information on medical marijuana when I came a across an article that is going along with my 2nd editorial that I am working on. Virginia's Tea Party spokesman was interview on the subject of marijuana and they were quoted as saying there opinion is "evolving".

North Carolina has not been first in anything since the airplane, this is unacceptable for me. We were the last to get a lottery which according to sources hasn't been playing out in our favor much anyway. The NC Lottery was a privilege received a little too late. More and more sources have pointed out that funds collected from our education lottery has been tapped for projects that was not in the original lottery agreement.

I know what your thinking, if I am bashing my state so much then why fight for it. I love my state, North Carolina is one of the best states to call home. I can actually make an unbiased opinion about that is as well, I have lived in a few on the east coast. Georgia ( Savannah ) was a beautiful place to set up roots; good weather, beautiful beaches, right culture. Still not NC.

Upstate New York ( Fort Drum/Watertown); This one is self explanatory. Beautiful place, but just too damn cold for this small time southern girl. I was not programmed to deal with Lake Effect snow, excessive shoveling, and adding 20 pounds to my weight in snow gear just to go to the store. After a year of living like this, eventually I acclimatized but would I want to go back to visit? Of course, never had better selection of great wines and good local food. Sackett's Harbour still has an amazing place in my heart for its small town beauty nestled on Lake Ontario, seriously really beautiful place.


Back to NC, VA, and the Tea Party!

I am doing as much research as possible to get a true, honest and elaborated opinion from not only the Tea Party in VA, but the one here in NC as well. I am hoping to speak with someone on the phone today to gain their opinion, let them know what I believe and hopefully the information I pass on to NC Tea Party members can "evolve" their opinions as well. I thought I was going to talk about the tea party in this entry but I will it save it before I take a nap this evening and get back to work. By the next entry you read, hopefully I have interview quite a few folks for my editorial as well as talked with a few more representatives today.

Good enough reason for me to get up at 2AM ready to go. I as I finishing up this entry, I am looking to see kind of how scattered it is. Perhaps its not a good idea to blog until after my third cup of coffee. LOL

Cheers for now.

Here's some great articles of interest:

This article is to educate on income and state tax, while reading I hope all of you that know the facts of medical marijuana can see how this article relates. Just think if we cold fill in those gaps with revenue from cannabis/hemp/ income from dispensaries.

An article published by the University of San Diego. Seriously, you can go to Google and type in Medical Marijuana research and you get thousands of links.

Anxiety and Medical Marijuana, another issue to yours truly that hits close to home

My roomate suffers from severe insomnia, this is just proof that what we are doing by self medicating, we are doing it right. ( This reminds of those pictures that take something like Underwear: Your doing it wrong")

I have to say it:

Marijuana Prohibition: Your doing it wrong!!!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Snow Day Part 1

Great possibility there could be two post today!

Snow days are useful for a multitude of things, cleaning, being lazy, being productive, or staying in and making love.

I had an amazing devotional last night before bed. Holy month (Lent) for me is something different. It is a time a use out of the year to strengthen my relationship with my Creator, in turn heightening me spiritually inside. As I got on my knees to pray, I lit a cheap candle and placed beside it a small plastic cross I received when I was married from my Aunt Sandra. It was not an expensive trinket, but it was a gift from her heart. To me it was her small way of saying that she wanted me to always take my faith with me, everywhere I went. I received that cross in 2006 and here in 2013 after many moves, I still have it in  my possession. I need to remind myself to tell her that when I speak with her next. I cleared my head and just focused on heaven, life, love, and faith. My prayers are sacred between God and myself so I will not disclose the contents. The general message I gave to him was Thank You. I only asked for blessings for others and not myself, only Thanks for the feelings I have received.

I have to be honest, with all the writing, research, and speaking out I am doing. I feel like its the first time my dreams are matching my reality. My hope that others see me for the way I see me, is in my grasp and I feel so elated these days. My feelings are so deeply rooted into the road I went down before, I feel like none of my readers could genuinely understand how amazing this is to me without knowing a little bit about me.

So part of this blog, is going to be weave my story. The majority will relate towards my progress in the quest for Legalization, I feel it necessary for you to know me as a person. To get a deeper understanding of my feelings and opinions. I really want you to share my feelings on this journey through tearing down Prohibition.

I was so apprehensive to do this, but as someone who likes to share "The Secret", I am going on my instincts and writing this out, little by little.

My childhood years were good for the most part but that doesn't mean things were always stable that way. I had Mom, Dad, Grandma as a Nanny, and my sister. I look back now and see any family disagree was spawned from our unique diversity. Grandma an old school, post depression era Evangelist....well I think that is pretty self explanatory. Dad and Mom, hippies from a peace, love, and happiness era that tried to be stern but their own upbringing often got in the way. Not to say that Dad was a lax parent, not even close. It was a zero tolerance policy in my house. Mom was a bit spacey, she came from truly humble beginnings, nothing was an open subject in their home and it truly showed. My sister tried to follow in Grandma's foot step and also trying to be the perfect child, often got me trouble for things she did. We are grown and laugh about it now, but back then that ish SUCKED.

Completely modest beginning, I am happy now that I was brought up that way because my life continued to be sacrifice and modesty.

School however turned into an entirely different story all together. Up until 3rd grade, I loved school and to this day I thank the teachers that made that possible for me. Legalization could me compensating teachers like I remember more, and putting those who have been laid off back to work with the revenue from Cannabis, just saying.

In third grade I had a horrific teacher that changed my entire perception on life. I will leave her nameless as she I am sure she has passed and her loved ones want to remember her how they perceived her, not the way I did. Specific days I felt like I was a target to destruct to her, and to this day I have no idea why. She started with my sister and the trend continued with me. If she called on me to ask a question and I got it wrong she scolded me harshly in front of the entire class. If I raised a question because I knew the answer she was never called on. If I looked away when the question was asked, she called on me simple for the pleasure of making me look stupid. We were learning how to write in cursive, yours truly was not having a successful time at it. To this day I still prefer to print, my hand writing is awesome. She held up my blue flip book with the weird giant ruled paper that we were required to write on and announced to the class: "This is what you don't want yours to look like". She smirked as she threw it back on my desk. That single event used to haunt me in everything I did for some reason. It seemed that like in school began to change from there.

Instead of telling complete stories, I am just going to make a list. To really put it out there, yes I WAS a victim of bullying. (Not the case at all now)

4th grade: Great teacher, girls in class starting to act weird, no one ever tried to be my friend, I was poor. I maintained some friendships but they were always short lived. A girls wanted me off of the playground so bad, she squeezed my hand while I was holding onto the chain. I was tiny so it hurt a lot. Self esteem level: Maintained

5th Grade: Had a great best friend, lost best friend, no one in the class like me AT ALL from what I understand. I wrote a silly note that someone took from me, the boy who sat next to me got so excited to get me in trouble he was squirming in his sit. He exaggerated what I was doing to the teacher, she took me out in the hall and made me cry for something I never did. There was even a club formed Called I Hate Stacey, everyone in the class was a member, except for me of course. That's the year the name cockroach started and I was picked on cause I didn't wear a training bra. Going to the bathroom was like going to Baghdad. Self Esteem: Dwindling

middle school.......

6th Grade; I begin to try and find myself within myself. We did not much money for school clothes but I did the best with what I had. Not the right choice, I should have just ask for 5 different color T shirt and 5 pairs of jeans so I would have been under the radar. The teach left the room from my English class and the entire class stood up, pointed and laughed at my outfit. My book bag was turned upside and my things scattered all over the floor and room for that matter. That was also the year I got sprayed with a can of Raid, I was a cockroach remember? Don't worry the boys involved were punished heavily, but it still did not erased my shame. I felt like I survived a public stoning.

7th Grade: A somewhat good year with ups and downs, my best friend Chris and I grew very close in friendship. I remember that was the year I began to laugh, and I mean really laugh. It was a small turning point, I was running from the bullying through laughter. I had bad days that were still there, like my desk being pulled out from under me and everyone though it was hilarious I had a huge bump on my head from hitting the desk table on the way down. Self Esteem: ok

8th Grade: This is where my black out mechanism comes in, I have learned to black out a lot of bad things that happened to me. That's the year I remember getting into my first fight and literally beat the hell out of the kid for teasing me for months relentlessly. I showed him that I had enough and knocked him across his face, then blooded his nose on the way to the office. Daddy didn't raise no wimp, I chopped and loaded firewood on the weekend, DON'T MESS WITH ME! I didn't get punished.....we went to the beach :-)

...................................high school.........blackout.....block....hmmmmmm........................................

Let me just sum it up:
Did not fit it
Complete outcast; even the goth kids didn't want me
Into all he shit that was not cool like Colorguard and Theatre
Everyone thought I was a slut
Most people wanted me to kill myself
I missed A LOT of school because I just didn't want to go
Then got sick for real with depression related symptoms, a weakened immune system from the asbestos in the school
Tried to kill myself.....3 times
Had sex to make myself feel better, of course it didn't work

Went to a new school in 2001 and it changed everything, it left me with many happy memories, it closed a horrible chapter in my life with a happy ending. Just made me realize good does always triumph.

So there is just a small taste of me, there will be more to come 2006-2013 should have left me completely catatonic but here I am


Friday, February 15, 2013

Put a little color in your life

Lovely days are ahead. Lots of positive events within the quest for cannabis took place on this wonderful day.

First of all, I got my first go ahead on publication of my editorial from the Burlington Times News :-)
Sadly I was instructed to make it cut it down to 750 words. I did my best revision feasibly possible only reducing to 940. I pleaded with him to make it work, and he said he replied: Lets give it a go! STOKED!

I was also faced with a republican opponent on the phone, the office did return my call. The office of Dennis Riddle (R)l, the secretary returned my call and sadly her name escapes me. I had nothing written down but lucky for me she called while I was shortening above editorial. Of course I asked if the representative she was employed supported or opposed the bill. She wasn't sure but wanted my feedback and opinion to pass on to him to form his opinion. I briefly went through the story of my mother, the economic advantages, and pleaded for him to open his mind and set aside anything negative associated with the plant. All this could be regulated with a Yes when it comes time to vote.

She told she was touched by my story and took down all my contact information for the representative to speak with me on this issue. She applaud me for volunteering my time for any cause and she wished me hope in all the goals within my belief. It was a truly amazing feeling to get such a polite and wonderful response from a person. The fact that she was a voice for a republican and female put the icing on the cake for me. She made me feel special in quite a unique way.

Also, I spoke with the vice president of the North Carolina chapter of NORML via email. Submitting a resume to know what my professional life has been like and a complete copy of my editorial that I am pushing for publication. He too was touched by my story and impressed with my medical background. I feel assured he felt that I was true and sincere about my cause. He wants to meet me personally to discuss further how I can be of assistance to raise awareness on our cause

I am very thrilled about this for many reason. Deep in my heart of hearts I had a secert aspiration to be an activist for some cause that was dear to me. I have had this dream for as long as I can remember. Its truly something I kept to myself for fear of loosing the dream to others who didn't believe I would amount to anything. It was the one aspiration I kept close and deep in my heart, one that I never ever wanted to loose. I am hoping with all this positivity surrounding what I am doing, this could be a huge chance for my dream to come true. I wanted to be remember as the woman that stood up, when standing wasn't easy. A dream of dreams that would make my life complete spiritually.

Proving on a daily basis that good things come to those who put forth a tremendous to anything they believe in.

Each day I am going to copy and paste some facts from so that you can read about me, and do some learning. Educating myself is how I have made it this far. I haven't been given the opportunity to go to school much, but that never stopped me from continuing to learn.

Excerpt from Marijuana: A Primer

Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in America (behind only alcohol and tobacco), and has been used by nearly 100 million Americans. According to government surveys, some 25 million Americans have smoked marijuana in the past year, and more than 14 million do so regularly despite harsh laws against its use. Our public policies should reflect this reality, not deny it.

So I know our fight is for NC, but did I not say that VA made so much off of us because they had the Lottery since 1986? 486 Billion thats is all I am saying.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, Tea Party favorite and presumed Republican candidate for Governor, opened up on his views regarding marijuana legalization while addressing a group of students at the University of Virginia this week.

When asked how he felt about Colorado and Washington legalizing the adult use and commercial production and sale of marijuana in November, the conservative politico caught many off guard with his answer.

“I don’t have a problem with states experimenting with this sort of thing I think that’s the role of states,” Cuccinelli stated, “I’m not sure about Virginia’s future [re: marijuana legalization], but I and a lot of people are watching Colorado and Washington to see how it plays out.”

Twice during the talk Attorney General Cuccinelli referred to his views on the subject as “evolving.”

Thursday, February 14, 2013

He created it and it was good

Hello Folks!

Here I am yet another support of medicinal marijuana. I hope through this blog that readers will come to understand why this is an issue passionate to me. I would adore more than anything to be a professional advocate or spokesperson for this issue in any state that would care to listen to someone with a relatable story. I am going to copy and paste the first of many editorials that I will be sending to various publications. I am dedicating this blog to tracking what I do each day up until voting in North Carolina. Ok let me slow down.........

Sorry I get excited!

As of Feb of 2013, Representive of Mecklenburg County Kelly Alexander (D) introduced House Bill 84: North Carolina Medical Cannabis Act for the reform of marijuana prohibition.

Read this it will tell you everything:

So here I am doing my part as a supporter starting a blog, calling law makers, etc... I am hoping this blog to be a guide for others to know what to do.

So far I have called several representatives showing support, been in contact important figures in the organization NORML:, and dedicated my social media to this cause until the law is passed.

I hope at this point all you will take the time to read this editorial in its entirety, I have to cut it for most newspapers due to the length. Please enjoy my first of many:

Stacey Jefferson
            Feb. 13th 2013
            Dialogue in reference to House Bill 84: Legalization of the Medicinal use of Marijuana

            Have we erased a crop out of our reach that could save us from a dying economy? Hemp, Cannabis whatever one wish to refer to it as, most everyone has there own opinion formed from this or that politician or average Joe. The question remains for me, why many years ago our law regulators allowed such a tragedy in the form of Marijuana Prohibition. It may sound like I am speaking about a plant in an extreme manner, you would be right. My passion for the awareness of this plant will be presented thoroughly in this editorial. My hope is that my words will sway opinions of nay sayers even for a glimpse of open mind-ness to allow others the chance for relief in many areas that cannabis crop can provide. Our political differences will be set aside only to hear the voices of those wishing for alternative medicines to provide the relief that modern medicines can not provide. This discusses in detail way the product will improve the dynamic of our economic life with the passing of House Bill 84 for the state of North Carolina.
            Many of us have had the unfortunate task of caring for a sick or disabled relative in their desperate time of need. During this time we all ask the patient the same question; “What can I do to make you feel better?” Most of the time they will tell us the same thing; “I don’t know what else you can do. “ The familiarity of this is all too close to home for myself. My mother, Cindy Jefferson was this person I refer to. A vibrant caring individual ravaged by a merciless pain disease referred to as; Dystonia Tortecollis. Most commonly related to Parkinson’s or Huntington’s disease this crippled my mother’s body over a period of nearly three years that lay a tremendous burden on our family, as she required 24 hour care. She was unable to attend to her own personal and feeding needs, due to the effects this disease had on her body. Her beautiful smile vanished, she was bed ridden, and she stayed in a horrible haze from the pain medication prescribed by her team of doctors. She cried often, suffered severely intensified effects of bi polar disorder that were brought on by this disease. During the period before my Father took matters into his own hands, I was living out of state and heard nothing but remorseful reports. The pictures on Facebook my father posted trying to keep everything as normal as possible were always saddening watching her crumble. She dropped to weight of 84 pounds; she looked like a skin skeleton. The constant moving made her loose weight at an unhealthy rate. Greif clouded my thoughts all the time of my family stricken with this pain that ran rampant through the family in the form of physical and mental.
            Final a day of good news came in the form of a phone call from home, it was my father. My mother’s sister had suggested giving her marijuana to increase her appetite or maybe justing to see her smile. I answered the phone to a chorus of laughter coming from the other end. It was an amazing moment; it had been so long since that sound had come through my receiver. The report came that mother was smiling, she was eating, and she said that her pain had subsided. Her appetite increased that same night and she had a multitude of request which my Dad gladly retrieved for her. When I returned home to help out with the running the home during my mother’s sickness, everyday with mother was remarkable to watch the different varieties of marijuana improve one symptom or another, provide relief, and best of all, provide laughter for my mother’s soul. I have such joyous memories of her final days because of the happiness she received from our family prescribed cannabis treatment as I explained to those close to me. Our joy regrettably can not be shared as openly as we please due to its current restrictions. The majority of the medical professionals that were responsible for her treatment recognized her use of marijuana as not harmful, and acknowledged it with positive feedback staying within their legal boundaries to speak on the issue.  We only faced one negative critic from an important medical figure in her treatment plan. He was the professional responsible for the regulation of her pain medication and required she take a drug test during one of her routine visits. When she came back positive for THC, the physician informed us he would no longer continue her on the medication oxycodone if she tested positive for THC again. This infuriated the rest of the medical team as well as me, unapologetically I did not comply with his request, and we found other means of service for her that aspect of her treatment. I have a particular memory of giving her a dose of her marijuana one evening. Dad was struggling with the decision to comply with physician a short time before she passed.  We did our usual routine of her scooting through the house with her walker. Myself in her curt tail walking very slowly behind her to her designated smoking area.  On the way out, she began to cry out of nowhere saying that she missed her family, she wanted her Dad. It’s a wistful scene to anyone watching this feeble disabled woman cry for such a reason. Within minutes of the marijuana intake, she had begun to laugh and cause everyone else to laugh with her. She had taken a hunger fancy to an entire bag of Peanut Butter Cup candy as well as an ice cream creation of Apple Pie, Peach Ice Cream, topped with Kiwi. (Sounds gross, but don’t knock it until you try it.) The appetite enhancing properties of marijuana were clearly personal observed during the period of months I assisted in her care.
            My mother was peaceful passed away in December of 2010, on the 18th my father’s birthday. She appeared to be peaceful sleeping, just as she had voiced in her final wishes. We grieved heavily at the loss of such a wonderful woman; my father was inconsolable for a vast period of time.
            Today, I am the voice for every daughter, son, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew that has witnessed the healing properties this wonderful plant can provide.  We are given a mind by our creator to interpret the things we see with thoughts that are our own. Even the Bible I call reference to in my times that deal in matters of faithful interpretation, I read passages that clearly lead me to believe that marijuana is one of my God’s yielding herbs that He declared was good. I could be convinced no other way after living the tragedy of my mother’s illness.
             Even more so, I feel it an insult to her memory not to be a voice for everyone in favor of this declaration. I am declaring medicinal use is absolutely necessary in a world plagued with chronic diseases to give those affected a chance for alternative treatments.
            Relatable experiences are vital to animating a positive opinion on any issue that faces citizens of any democratic government system. It seems that even though the literature and statistics provided from various studies and observations have not been enough to sway law makers into re examining the issues of marijuana prohibition. I speak out now so that my voice can be a strong one to all my fellow North Carolinians can hear messages of praise to marijuana. Even if personal opinion is not to partake, people can listen to the opinions of those who support it. We can display an image of this plant that can be a vital element to the sick and a source of employment for the new opportunities it will create.  I implore all minds that hold any doubt, to reach out and research the opposition to gain a true and unbiased opinion to grant a right of consumption to those who wish. We aspire to for the sick and disabled to no longer feel that fall into a category of being a criminal for using something given to us by nature to provide relief. For marijuana to be regulated in a manner that is conducive to any other health and safety regulation for any product available for consumer consumption. This can be intertwined with medical ethics laws such as HIPPA protecting the privacy of those partaking and to not be associated with the negative stigma that comes with illegal acts of any kind. Give us a peace of mind that in the privacy of our own homes, the choice is ours to make. We will still continue to educate each generation the importance of maturity in the matters of this issue and any issue that stabilizes our society. We ask for acceptance of medicinal marijuana into our everyday society on our state and federal level each day, to no avail.
            If studies for its medicinal use are not enough then examine this angle. North Carolina was the last to pass a lottery. We were the last state on the east coast to in act yet another chance for revenue in the form of the lottery. This is our chance to be the first on the east coast to pass the cash crop to drawn in revenue without raising taxes. Our neighbors to the north, Virginia have had a lottery in place since 1987. In 2012, the Lottery's profits totaled $487 million, which accounted for approximately 8 percent of school funding in Virginia. These numbers from 1987 to 2012 have increased each year translating to billions in earnings for the state.  North Carolina could be the first on the east coast to recognize that this is a cash crop to gain income for the state without raising taxes. Statics in Colorado have showed the state collecting 8.2 Million in application fees alone. It would be amazing to see North Carolina receive a piece of that to put into things like putting our teachers back to work or building research facilities for universities. North Carolinians should be focused on this issue to see the positive trickle down effect that will come along with the passing of this bill. We should be the first to say yes, and show the rest of the east coast what can be accomplished with cannabis financially and through our health system. The passing of House Bill 84 is crucial to our survival in this state and I hope when voting comes that enough support has been shown to claim a victory on its voting date.